Brainwashed a few years ago, we, the people were encouraged and convinced by many members of the Dirty Bastards Oil Club to replace our excellent ACES form of Oil revenue with taxes from SB 21. A wonderful increase in Oil exploration and production was promised, but guess what, the increase has not materialized. We were also promised then, that if SB 21 did not serve our needs, it could be replaced. So why hasn't it been replaced? Now, instead, we find our Governor and many in congress willing to take money from our Permanent Fund just like outlaws take money from a bank, without authority from the Bank, the Fund Owners, Yes, without borrowing and paying for the borrowed money. We The People of Alaska, the owners of this Fund are not being consulted. Why Not? They dare not risk it. This is a Statewide matter! A Referendum vote of "We the People" is needed here.
The Fund was set up to as an investment enterprise to create Future Income for all existing and future residents of Alaska, who are the constitutional and legal owners of all Alaska's resources. Then when Oil revenues ran out, there would still be a major source of State Revenues to pay the costs of basic Government Services. Our state Constitutional Budget Reserve fund Has not run out of money. Neither have Oil revenues, while they may have declined, they have not run out. They have been given away to the oil giants, by a Congress so stupefied, they forgot who elected them. Not the same thing. Rescind SB21 and automatically Re-enact ACES backdating it to the enactment of SB 21. Then collect the back taxes which the oil companies cleverly talked and/or greased their way out of paying.
Oil Revenues have not run out. The State still has approximately 2 years of budget money in its Constitutional Budget Reserve Fund. But to crack open that fund a 75% vote of congress is needed. Why is it possible to crack open the Permanent Fund's Reserve Earnings a/c with just a simple, single, majority vote? That too needs to be a 75% vote of congress or a 66% Referendum vote of "We the people".
Governor, the Permanent Fund is the Alaskan Peoples Fund. Should you have a desperate need for money, you can Borrow from the Fund by Offering the collateral security of AK Tax-exempt State Bonds @ 10%. Since the Fund can invest only in income producing investments and all investments must conform to the prudent investor rule, 10% Tax Exempt State bonds would conform to that rule, therefore, investments would continue to be made with an eye single toward the bottom line----Income, the safety of the Fund's principal would thus be secured. The Fund continues to function and grow to provide an endless supply of money for our needs. It continues to re-invest that other 50%, which to-date has normally been reinvested, to offset inflation, simply by investing in AK state bonds. This system has worked really well.
Once again, your oil revenue monies have not run out. When they do, then borrow from the fund and pay for your borrowing by Tax-exempt state bonds. Thus maintain and enhance the value of our fund for future generations.
Meanwhile, you have cut the 2016 dividend payments as enacted into law in 1980 without authority from congress or the people. Now the 2017 dividend has also been reduced without a Full Floor vote of the house of representative on SB" 128 which also proposes to re-structure the fund. How is this justified as Democracy? If our delegated Representatives are not even given an opportunity to vote on this matter, our representative Democracy system is being manipulated, screwed, fucked up, by dirty bastards who plan on robbing the people's Fund? And here we go again after the 2018 dividend.
Kindly Pay the people what is due to them and stop messing with us. Leave the Fund alone. It is working real well. No Changes are required except greater restrictions are needed on access to fund monies.
Our AK Permanent Fund (which saved 25% oil tax revenue) is not part of the Constitutional Budget Reserve Fund (which spent 75% of oil tax revenue). You have your Fund, which you spent like opiates. We the People, have saved Ours! We saved it. You could have done the same with just 25% and spent 50%. But No, you had to spend like opiates. Obey the 1980 Statute. Pay Us our proper dividends. Likewise obey Article 1 Section 9 of the USA Constitution which reads: “No capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid,” You need us to be a law abiding people, then lead us by your good example in obedience to our laws as already passed.
Governor, Walker, you have inflicted a direct Capitation Tax on every Alaskan. Kindly obey all laws as already enacted in our State and in our USA constitution. Permanent Fund monies belong to "We the people" of Alaska. We are entitled as owners, to our Dividends. We the people intend to keep it that way.
Kindly remember we got rid of Kings and Queens, and we are a free people. Neither do we bow to you or give you ein Zeig Heil as our Fuehrer or a Deus Meus as our Roman Ethnarch.
John J Kiernan 3550 W Dimond Blvd. Unit 211 Anchorage AK 99502-1555 Cell 907-441-2964