The POMV is an advance attack Ploy.
Alaskans Ahoy! Shields in place!
Stand Fast! Lock and Brace!
Alaskans Ahoy! Shields in place!
Stand Fast! Lock and Brace!
John Adams said at
the Constitutional Convention of 1787: “All the
perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise not from defects in
the Constitution or Confederation, not from a want of honor or virtue so much
as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.”
The Founders knew
that when money is manipulated…and shown to be unreliable……that trust breaks
down and with it tradition and cultural
values. Since the introduction of the
Federal Reserve in 1913, our Dollar which could then be exchanged for one ounce
of .999 pure silver, is now worth only .05 cents. $1/18 = ?
Derivates, cause Devaluation and inflation has been used to tax and secretly rob the public.
What Constitutional amendment Granted authority to some big banks to set themselves up as a Federal reserve in 1913? The Federal National Banking Act, while having been approved by congress, was never ratified as an amendment to our constitution, and is therefore itself illegal and unconstitutional, and they are therefore, a totally unconstitutional organisation acting illegally.
Surely real Americans, Freemen, citizens, and those of you who today, are no longer slaves, now Freemen and citizens too, you will not allow this state of affairs to exist in our Republic. Stop Political Animals from Secretly Robbing the Public of OUR SAVINGS and WEALTH.
Derivates, cause Devaluation and inflation has been used to tax and secretly rob the public.
What Constitutional amendment Granted authority to some big banks to set themselves up as a Federal reserve in 1913? The Federal National Banking Act, while having been approved by congress, was never ratified as an amendment to our constitution, and is therefore itself illegal and unconstitutional, and they are therefore, a totally unconstitutional organisation acting illegally.
Surely real Americans, Freemen, citizens, and those of you who today, are no longer slaves, now Freemen and citizens too, you will not allow this state of affairs to exist in our Republic. Stop Political Animals from Secretly Robbing the Public of OUR SAVINGS and WEALTH.
The more the
Individual is diminished into crowd consciousness, the easier it is to develop
the psyche of self-sacrifice to the state. Self-sacrifice means a willingness
to surrender your rights for some fancy fictional notion of "safety," i.e. to die
in foreign wars, or a willingness to transfer your labor and wealth to the
government under some fictitious notion that it is an essential income tax, a necessary Social Security tax, or an inheritance
Communists, Nazi Socialists, Fascist Socialists, Fascist Liberals aka Democrats, all preach;
Self Sacrifice to the State must take precedence over individual freedoms. Thus we are told by the DBC (Dirty Bastards Club) members, and various Alaska government mouthpieces, that they need our permanent fund money to do what?
''protect the very fund itself''.
Some Politicians are akin to Political Animals.
Their talk about the public good, is like a wife beater saying baby, I love you. It sounds good, but when you see through it, you realize it keeps you sticking around for more of their abuse. Perhaps they think, most of us were born just yesterday.
Governments who have learned from, and now follow the mass propaganda lies of Herr Joseph Goebbels, use his psychological phenomenon techniques to their advantage. Thus their emulating lies infect our local news media, promoting a POMV (Percent Of Market Value) makeover of the fund to give government access to the principal of the very Fund itself. Note the missing word? Permanent!
It is called Permanent for a very good reason: Without public approval the Government has no legal access to it’s cash Principal.
Thus the push for the POMV makeover of its constitution. Thus the mass of DBC Lies emanating from the local media. New ADN ownership has made no difference at all to their propaganda.
Remember: ‘Tell a lie big enough, repeat it often enough and then you yourself, will even begin to believe it’(Joseph Goebbels).
Please folks, do not fall for their bald faced lies.
Communists, Nazi Socialists, Fascist Socialists, Fascist Liberals aka Democrats, all preach;
Self Sacrifice to the State must take precedence over individual freedoms. Thus we are told by the DBC (Dirty Bastards Club) members, and various Alaska government mouthpieces, that they need our permanent fund money to do what?
''protect the very fund itself''.
Some Politicians are akin to Political Animals.
Their talk about the public good, is like a wife beater saying baby, I love you. It sounds good, but when you see through it, you realize it keeps you sticking around for more of their abuse. Perhaps they think, most of us were born just yesterday.
Governments who have learned from, and now follow the mass propaganda lies of Herr Joseph Goebbels, use his psychological phenomenon techniques to their advantage. Thus their emulating lies infect our local news media, promoting a POMV (Percent Of Market Value) makeover of the fund to give government access to the principal of the very Fund itself. Note the missing word? Permanent!
It is called Permanent for a very good reason: Without public approval the Government has no legal access to it’s cash Principal.
Thus the push for the POMV makeover of its constitution. Thus the mass of DBC Lies emanating from the local media. New ADN ownership has made no difference at all to their propaganda.
Remember: ‘Tell a lie big enough, repeat it often enough and then you yourself, will even begin to believe it’(Joseph Goebbels).
Please folks, do not fall for their bald faced lies.
From approximately $500,000 in 1976 our little Permanent Fund has amassed a fortune of over $65 Billion. It is now kicking out over $6.5 Billion per year into its earnings Related Account. More than enough for a $3.25 Billion Re-investment into 10% Tax exempt AK State Bonds, to help the state (in an emergency) and thus keep the money re-invested in the fund to counteract inflation and to make the payment of our Stipulated Permanent Fund dividend to us, the Fund owners.
Our Dividend payment does not come out of the State Budget. It comes out of the other 50% of the Fund's Earnings Related account. Let's keep it that way folks and make the oil companies pay ACES Taxes again, as they formerly did. Stop the members of the DBC helping Big Oil companies avoid paying our ACES Taxes. If we, ourselves alone, are unable to do it, lets invite back their spectre of animosity, the lady Governor, herself, Sarah Palin. She has already proven her ability to get the job done. She left the CBRF floating with over $20 billions when oil was less than $50 per barrel. However the CBRF now records only a maximum of $12 Billion. To where did $8 Billion disappear? Even now it has been spent down to just under $5 Billion.
The Oil Magnates, faced with ACES again, will go into a modus operandi of distress, yea outright panic. Oh dear! The very thought of having to pay ACES again, now with oil at over $70 per barrel. Oh dear folks, have mercy upon our poor Oil beggars! Their share is one third, the FED's share is one third and the AK share is ONE THIRD. That was the original agreement.
If the State is short of money, Rescind SB 21 and automatically without further discussion, Re-Enact ACES as of the implementation date of SB 21. Then collect the back taxes due thereunder, by executive order! Oh Groan! Groan!