Monday, March 25, 2019

Employee Taxation i.e. Double Dipping Taxation (DDT) is Not Good for our Economy!

We are commanded of the Lord; ''Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.'' Colossians 4:1.  Many Employers in the past ignored the pleadings of their humble employees who were thus forced to join Unions to obtain that which was just and equal.  The Unions made those employers sit up and take notice and give unto their servants; that which they negotiated to be Just and Equal. From 1776 America existed until 1913 without any form of personal Income taxation.  SCOTUS during the 1800''s declared such tax unconstitutional. Wages and salaries were held to be lawful business expenses and so were held to be tax exempt.  

They should so remain. We need to void out the 16th amendment. It causes Double Dipping Taxation.  DDT has had a terrible effect upon our lives. We now have had a Federal Government controlled by rabid warmongers, who cannot keep our country out of foreign conflict. After the 14-18 war they did not repeal personal income tax. Neither did they do it after the 39-45 war.  They not only did not repeal personal income tax as prior governments did after various wars in the 1800’s.   But in addition they have been taking large sums of money out of our Social Security Trust Fund, without asking permission from the people. And without  repaying any monies which they took nor paying interest on their thievery.  Instead of people retiring at age 65 now they want it to be age 70, why not make it 90? Then the Social Security Trust Fund could be clearly and more fully recognized as a Hush/Slush Fund for uncontrolled Government spending.

The origin of the income tax on individuals is generally cited as the passage of the 16th amendment, passed by Congress on July 2, 1909, and ratified February 3, 1913; however, its history actually goes back even further. During the Civil War Congress passed the Revenue Act of 1861 which included a tax on personal incomes to help pay war expenses. The tax was repealed ten years later. However, in 1894 Congress enacted a flat rate Federal income tax, which was ruled unconstitutional the following year by the U.S. Supreme Court because it was a direct tax not apportioned according to the population of each state. (See Article 1 Section 9 of the USA Constitution.)   The 16th amendment, ratified in 1913, removed this objection by allowing the Federal government to tax the income of individuals without regard to the population of each State. To get rid of DDT we need to: Repeal the 16th amendment!

Double Dipping Taxation is a taxation principle referring to income taxes paid twice on the same source of earned income. It can occur when income is taxed at both the corporate level and personal level. When a company Makes, Mines, or Extracts products from natural resources and then sells those products, either raw, refined, developed and or manufactured, such a company is allowed to claim all it lawful expenses incurred in the production of those goods.  They are thereafter taxed upon their profits net of lawful deductible expenses.  Those deductible expenses include the wages and salaries of all, repeat all, the company employees.  When an employer pays his employee that which is just and equal  as negotiated, It is most unjust for the government to interfere in that private agreement.

Since taxation of those profits will have been paid by this company itself, it is double dipping, to also tax employees on money obtained from the same source of revenue.  Income is being taxed at both the corporate level and personal level.  DDT has a bad effect on our economy. The Government instead of the individual is spending our money and using it to control our lives with Unconstitutional and Unauthorized Welfare Programs.

Get the government out of our lives and let private enterprise take over.  Tax exempt Churches could and should be doing welfare work, among their members. It is not the government's responsibility to undertake such work.  Atheists' can form their own organization, or simply insure their risks.
Our Unions should be more involved in Government affairs and challenge the aforementioned forms of theft and interference. If they do not protect our employee Wages, Salaries, and Social Security Trust Fund, simply desert them.
Ideally our President needs to simply declare  Amendment 16 as unconstitutional  taxation, referring back to the 1895 High Court decision.