Friday, October 9, 2020



Alaska Native Corporation, 

i.e. ANCSA Regional Ass. 

Portends by their independent economic study that Ballot Measure 1 would effectively impact our AK economy by;

Eliminating 6300 Alaskan Jobs

Reduce Alaskan Oilfield Investment by $6 Billion by 2029

Worsen Alaska’s Already Anti-Competitive Tax System.

That’s why they are urging Alaskans to vote NO on 1.

Oh Yeah!

They would have us totally ignore;

That to get our fair share of ‘our oil resource’, Our Choice is Clear.

Vote YES on 1

or continue to give away ‘our oil’ to major oil companies

continue to cut AK essential services, and our PFD’s, and

tax ourselves to recover the revenue we are giving away under SB 21.

Vote Yes on 1.  Or re-enact ACES J Hammond and S Palin agree.

Sean Parnell, TRAITOR, he disagreed and introduced SB 21.

Vote YES on 1.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Is Your Natural Health Response Based Upon Fear?

Fear creates Panic. 

A Pandemic is a Medical Pandemonium, Senselessly Based upon Panic.      

Cleverly created with verbal acuity to hypnotize the public.          To disrupt God’s plan of Freedom for man.  

Joe Goebbels repeated often, to make one believe, it is true. ‘Keep repeating whatever you want the public to believe!’  Eventually, even you yourself will believe it.                      

For what purpose? To gain overall control of the public.                To achieve the total disruption of our society                                   Satan and his liberal cohorts, (like Joe Goebbels) uses fear.         To create many medical, economic and societal problems.

The brilliant Democrat political strategist Rahm Emanuel once said,                                “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.”                                                                        That is exactly what has been unleashed on America,                                                                using a pandemic to create hysteria and fear to gain political control.  

Politicians can use the China created virus as a fear-based excuse to crush American exceptionalism by creating economic chaos, forcing obedience from the population,      issue illegal health emergency mandates, and then provide government bail-outs                 to create a socialist society.  Wear your damned mask. It's a dictatorial mandate from Elite Socialist Medical experts who don't care about forcing you to breath regurgitated foul air into you lungs nor the damage that will physically cause you. 

Though God has decreed that we shall all surely die.                    Yet, He has told us, to go forth increase and multiply.               Thus, we do not concentrate our thoughts upon death.            While Here, we obey Him, and think only of living life lovingly.

Not the ideal protocol for Big Pharma, who purposely intend to scare us,    to obtain the opportunity to develop  an essential drug or vaccine, and thus keep us as dependent, dying patients for a lifetime,  while they drain our financial resources, through instilled fear.

Well one must keep the Matrix happy. What Matrix?         The Matrix includes Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Technology, Education, Entertainment, mainstream Medicine, Many Religions, Politicians, the Media, Telecommunications, and the CDC.

The Matrix puts High Tech and Mainstream Medicine on a pedestal.  But this most undeserved praise is major (Censored) B.S.    Working with WHO, NIH, CDC, and the FDA,                                they rob the people of Natural Herbal remedies.  Why?

Vaccines are a perfect example of their theft,                                 which are promoted despite no long-term safety studies.            Yet they’ve obtained legal exemption from public Liability.          Their exemption is an outrageous travesty of justice.      

We are mandated and oft told we must comply.                  NONE of the hazardous side effects are even mentioned.  Why are we simply told that these vaccines are safe?                           Why are we not allowed to use safe Natural Herbs, Why? Why? Why?

Since Big Pharma funds the mainstream media,             news contrary to big pharma gets suppressed.                          In this Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, We, get Googled, Twittered and Facebook Bamboozled (i.e. censored!).                                      ‘Public liability’ law should apply to all.                       All should be subject to the law, No Exceptions.                   Freedom cuts both ways. Or not at all.                                     Return Freedom OF CHOICE and OF SPEECH to the people.

Thank God our President became Covid-19 positive.                          At 72 he recovered within one day of taking                    Vitamin D, Zinc and Hydroxytetracloroquin.                                   Oh dear, has he disrupted their dictatorial socialist Takeover?

No need to wear a mask, just keep yourself healthy.                        Build up your immune system by taking Elderberry.                          That was Greek Dr. Hippocrates’s Miracle cure,                            It’s just a cheap anti-viral herb! Readily available non-prescription.

Further Immune System boosters are; Zinc, Vitamin C(500-1000mg), a moderate amount of exercise, intermittent fasting (12-72hrs), Goat’s (milk, cheese or butter) contains a specific bacterium called Lactobacillus Rhamnosus.  This and other beneficial bacteria can be obtained by eating foods containing live organisms, like fermented food, Kefir, Yogurt, with live active cultures, pickled vegetables, tempeh, kombucha tea, kimchi, miso, and sauerkraut or by taking a probiotic supplement.

Rishi, Shiitake, and Maitake mushrooms have a long history of being used to boost the immune system. 

Supplement your immune system with DHEA tablets.  Get plenty of sunshine and to ensure you get enough, supplement with vitamin D. Lastly take Melatonin 10mg for a good night’s sleep. If you want to go overboard take Quercetin with Bromelain.

Further, read your shopping labels, discard products which contain Monosodium Glutamate, Aspartame, Sucralose also known as Splenda, Diacetyl found in buttery popcorn, and Aluminum. The foregoing, are products which adversely affect your brain.

Did Jesus Christ wear a mask among the sick?  Did he keep himself six feet away from them?  Neither did his Apostles. Protect yourself, yes.  No Masks or distancing are necessary. You can walk with faith and vigor among unhealthy people. Let not the servants of Satan implant fear in your minds and thus gain control of your lives.

Even that dreaded Cancer can be cured by an intravenous injection of vitamin C 1000mg plus K2 (Dr. Linus Pauling Nobel Prize winner and other doctors.) However Big Pharma prefers to use Chemo-therapy and Radiation. It is just simply (for them) a Big Money Making matter. They also choose to ignore the 'Sour Honey' cancer cure. Sour honey is a natural product, so the poor blighters can't patent it.

However, cheating Elite Democrat Doctors will all surely die, not a one can save himself. God, no not His Son, God i.e. He Himself, has decreed it, so shall it be.