Wednesday, December 23, 2020

To of Cincinnati, OH 45202


Kind Sirs,

Why do you feed us as vermin to Big Pharma’s medicines?

Your diet Tonic Water contains Acesulfame Potassium, an artificial sugar which adversely effects the brain.

Likewise your 64oz container of Del Monte Red Grapefruit while in front proclaiming ‘No Sugar Added’, in very small almost unreadable print on the side contains not only Acesulfame Potassium, but in addition another even worse, Sucralose AKA Splenda. Why? 

Neither event is in any way a splendid performance for your faithful customers.  There is no need to add any form of sugar to any of your products.

Why must I buy French made Bonne Maman Blackberry Preserves jam in order to avoid your jams containing ‘High Fructose Corn Syrup’? Why? 

Can’t you begin to think in terms of the good health of you customers, instead of feeding us as experimental vermin to Big Pharma?

John J Kiernan, 3550 W Dimond Blvd.  Anchorage AK  99502.