We The People Must Rule…
Not We the Elite!
Not We the Elite!
Know it all types, what was the ‘Ruling Elite’ of to-day’s society; have declared the constitution, to be a dead document. Written as it was, by our Founding Fathers of this Republic in ancient days. They say it is now no longer relevant to our modern way of life. They maintain that it needs to be changed, dropped, amended, or totally replaced. However, that requires ¾ of the various state legislatures to approve such a change. Not a problem, they have a very clever solution. Load the High Court with their Liberal elitist Judges and encourage them to reinterpret the Constitution. Thus they can bypass the 66% vote required from congress, and avoid that damming 75% ratification approval of the states.
SCOTUS, Ignoring our constitution completely have given us amongst others laws, Roe versus Wade, Total Infanticide, slaughter on demand, Gay Marriage, LGBT lifestyles, Monogamy replacing and Prohibiting Polygamy, none of which is authorised via the constitution. Hardly promotes the general Welfare, or secures the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity now, what? Well you know, what really matters is just what the High Court says. Then they call it Law! Isn't it Strange that, the High Court was not delegated Legislative powers and neither was the President. Oh So? Lo and behold; “Black is white and white is black”. Really! This is America 2017. And yes while Black lives matter, so too do all lives matter including those innocent unborn children of our Heavenly Father, white, black and any other colour in between.
Some Other Changes: The Gold Standard Act of 1900 abandoned Alexander Hamilton’s Bimetallic Standard of a 15:1 ratio, silver to gold. It defined the $1 as 23.22 grains I.E. (1.505g) of gold, equivalent to setting the price of gold at $20.67 per Troy ounce.
The Gold Confiscation act of 1933 came after a Democratic party sweep of both houses of congress and of the Presidency. President Roosevelt confiscated all Gold in 1933. After the Gold was confiscated, he then changed the Gold Standard to $35 per troy ounce. Of course, nobody was really upset way back then by having their gold confiscated and having been cheated at the lower standard rate of $20.67 per troy ounce. Yeah right!
Again in 1965, the year the Democrats gained their great majority, the same thing happened to Silver Coins. The Coinage Act of 1965, enacted July 23, 1965, eliminated silver from the circulating dimes and quarter dollars of the United States and diminished the silver content of the half dollar from 90% to 40%. This act, they proclaimed, was in response to coin shortages caused by the rising price of silver. Solution: foist fraudulent coins upon a gullible public.
In addition to the above provisions, for which it is best known, the act:
• Allowed the Secretary of the Treasury to continue to strike 90% silver coins for up to five years until the Secretary determined there was an adequate supply of (fraudulent) clad coins. This authority was exercised, through 1966, though the coins were dated 1964. (Fraudulently made and fraudulently dated.)
• Forbade the minting of silver dollars for five years.
• Gave the Secretary broad discretion to enter into contracts to assure an adequate supply of clad coins, (meaning fraudulent coins), without regard to public procurement laws.
• Established a Joint Commission to make recommendations regarding coin and currency. No one then had the guts to challenge the constitutional authority of that commission.
However, we remained on the Gold standard (Gold was fixed at $35 to the ounce) until President Nixon in 1971 took the dollar off the Gold Standard. He was faced with repaying all those greenbacks in gold to President De Gaulle of France. He just didn’t want to lose all that gold for worthless paper dollars. Gold immediately shot to $70 per troy ounce. We had been printing greenbacks and fraudulently passing paper dollars off as real money until someone called our bluff.
The Constitution, Article 1 section 8 reads; Congress shall have the power to COIN money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin and fix standard weights and measures. Article 1 section 10 reads; “No state shall make any Thing but gold and silver coin a Tender in Payment of Debts”.
In the old days, when one wanted to cheat, you had to slice off a piece of the coin but that altered its weight and it was visible. Cheating was, therefore very difficult. But, since the Federal Reserve was set up in 1913, without a constitutional amendment the printing of greenbacks has made cheating a piece of cake. There is absolutely no accountability, especially now that the $Dollar is no longer backed by a Gold or Silver Standard. The Federal Reserve, our unconstitutional, central bank, used to allow the individual banks to lend to the public on the basis of a 10:1 derivative, but has now opened up lending to a 100: derivative. The banks are getting too greedy for cash interest on their lending. Is it any wonder we had a mortgage bubble crises in 2008? Private banks should not be in the mortgage lending business, nor handling any large commercial loans. There are Large Commercial International banks which should alone, handle those risks. If any of those commercial banks go bankrupt, they are not a government liability. The people do not have to fund their financial stupidity.
Our Previous President O’Bama, yes that black Fraudulent Irishman, though there are some who say he was actually born in Hawaii, promised us change before he was elected. Boy, oh Boy did he ever deliver? Yes indeed! He has printed more greenbacks than all former Presidents combined. He even gave them away, by the $Billions to his favourite lame duck causes like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Countrywide, A.I.G. and some very undeserving banks and foreign nations, Iran and Palestine, both Insurrectionist, terrorists. Why he even bought himself a car company. Of course, he claims it was all necessary stimulus money to stimulate the economy. Well the Oil companies didn’t need a stimulus, Oil jumped up from $25 to $98 per barrel though now down again to just over $50. Silver has gone from $12 to $28 per troy ounce and is down again to $18 while Gold has risen from $400 to $1350 per troy ounce and is now just under $1300.
With the increasing cost of oil and other sources of energy, farmers, factories and distribution services have had to increase their prices. Yet this same government has the stone-faced gall to tell old folk that because there has been NO INFLATION, there will be no increase in their Old Age Pension. All this while they continue to spend $Billions of our taxes abroad in foreign lands to stimulate foreign economies and pay benefits to Illegal immigrants who have never contributed a red cent towards our Social Security Trust funds.
People over 60 who want to work should only be allowed to do so self-employed.
Why not stimulate our own economy by requiring all persons aged 60 and older to resign or retire from their employment. If they desire to work self-employed, then fine. Since they’re old they may need help from younger folk to get the work done. Thus create more jobs for more folk. If we print more stimulus $Dollars give them to the old folk. Pay it into the Social Security trust fund and take back your worthless I. O. U’s. Now print some more greenbacks and start paying interest on the monies that were borrowed from that trust fund. Hire the youth to replace the old folk. Voila! How many more jobs are now available to the youth?
Pay the old folk double, their miserable old age pensions. Keep the Trust Fund topped up with stimulus money instead of giving it to treacherous banks which should have been allowed to go belly up. Instead of being rewarded with large bonuses paid for by stimulus money at the expense of the taxpayer, the greedy banks who caused the mortgage bubble problem, should have been made to pay for causing it. Further, why are we funding foreign governments when our own pensioners are being told there is no inflation and there is no money available to pay them an increased pension?
By printing all these extra greenbacks, the government has effectively devalued our currency. They have made the $Greenback = 05.55 cents. Yes folks, it takes 18 paper greenbacks to buy one silver dollar. $1/18=05.55 So go figure! Federal Reserve induced Inflation. Get rid of the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve. The unconstitutional Federal reserve is the foundation of the SWAMP system.
To resolve the currency crises, withdraw all paper currency and again start to obey the constitution. The Constitution, Article 1 section 8 reads; Congress shall have the power to COIN money (Note the word Coin, is not the word Print), regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin and fix standard weights and measures. Article 1 section 10 reads; “No state shall make any Thing but gold and silver coin a Tender in Payment of Debts”. A new, more realistic bimetallic standard could be adopted, say a ratio of 70:1, Silver to Gold. 18 x 70 = $1260 per ounce of gold. Thus to obey our constitution, no electronic money systems should ever be adopted. No Bit-coins. Only real coins should ever be used. Electronic money would give the banks even more control over the public.
If we are to again print $dollars for convenience sake, then each $Greenback should be guaranteed at one troy ounce of .999 % pure Silver. No fraudulent clad coins and no fraudulent $Greenbacks. Likewise the $Dime, $¼ & $½ should be in proportion by weight and also .999% pure Silver. Copper cents are good and brass for 5 cent pieces. No nickel or anything that resembles silver should be used. We would need to have an audit of our gold and silver reserves at the end of each Presidents 4 year term of office. The auditors should have a printed account published in a major newspaper of every state, to declare that sufficient metal reserve funds are available to guarantee the value of every $Greenback in circulation. The audit should be certified by the High court and published one month prior to election date. Because I do not trust mankind's treachery, I apologize for the last paragraph.
Sound the TRUMP-et!
William Jennings Bryan said, one hundred and ninety six years ago; “The liberty bell gave notice to a waiting and expectant people that independence had been declared. There may be doubting ones among us now, but sirs, I do not overestimate it when I say that millions are waiting, anxiously waiting for the signal which shall announce the Financial Independence of the United States.”
Our Trump-et shall blare forth. This, and what follows is dedicated to all Free Thinkers, who realize a Financial World Crisis is now upon us and courageously, are willing to do something about it.William Jennings Bryan said, one hundred and ninety six years ago; “The liberty bell gave notice to a waiting and expectant people that independence had been declared. There may be doubting ones among us now, but sirs, I do not overestimate it when I say that millions are waiting, anxiously waiting for the signal which shall announce the Financial Independence of the United States.”
First a little history, so that we understand the cause of our problems: Salmon P Chase, Secretary of the Treasury under Abraham Lincoln, said; “My agency in procuring the passage of the National Bank Act was the greatest financial mistake of my life. It has built up a monopoly that affects every interest in the country. It should be repealed. But before this can be accomplished the people will be arrayed on one side and the banks on the other in a contest such as we have never seen before in this country.”
Interestingly enough the National Bank Act was never ratified as an amendment to our constitution and is just as unconstitutional and therefore as illegal as the DOMA was so recently declared to be. Thus the National Bank Act which sustains the Federal Reserve needs to be ratified or abolished, just as DOMA was likewise declared to be unconstitutional.
Further Abraham Lincoln, whose opinions and judgments are probably more revered than any man who has served as President of the United States, said: “As a result of the War, corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow. And the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in the hands of the few and the Republic is destroyed.”
It is time to stop bailing out large corporations and especially big banks by using public taxes. It is time to cease the printing of false Monopoly type au-fait money. We need to strike the deceptive word Derivative from our US vocabulary and start to deal honestly with our fellow man. It is time to re-instate Gold and silver alone, as our money.
Derivative: Something, the value of which is based upon another source, or underlying asset. Based upon, allows the Derivative to be a multiple of that asset. This corruption began with the introduction of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Back then our $1 bill would purchase a one dollar coin of .999 pure silver, weight one ounce. Now it takes $18 au-fait/sans-fait, bills to do so. 1/18=.05 cents. This devaluation of our money is entirely due to the Federal Reserve allowing the banks to issue loans based upon a derivative system of 1:10. Now they are allowing banks to issue loans based on a derivative of 1:100. If the banks are not controlled they would obey no restrictions whatsoever. All hell could break loose. Is it any wonder the Chinese and other nations are dumping Dollars as fast as they can do so? We have destroyed our own credibility.
Now I suggest we replace our currency entirely with Trumps and Pence instead of Dollars and Cents. Since our devalued $1 is now equal only to .05cents, let each new Trump likewise equal only .05cents and each Trump equal to 100 Pence. Let all denominations have the same Presidents picture as currently printed. No person who is not dead may have his picture on our currency. Let each ounce of Gold equal 10,000 Trumps. We could thus return to the Gold standard, and never again allow bank loans to be made, based upon the deception created by Derivatives. Be honest in all our dealings with our fellow man. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you/usWell there you have it. Britain lost its empire. America has lost its major International Currency Reserve standing among the nations of the world. Russia, China and many other nations now want to create a new reserve currency. They now have no confidence in the $Dollar. Correctly so. To maintain our International Currency Reserve Status; we need to fix the problem. We need a Silver or Gold standard to guarantee the value of our paper $Greenbacks. Nothing else will do. In the words of George Washington; "It belongs to you especially to take measures for promoting the general welfare. It belongs to you to make men honest in their dealings with each other, by regulating the coinage and currency of money upon equitable principles, as well as establishing just weights and measures upon a uniform plan.... Such exertion of your talents will render your situations truly dignified and cannot fail of being acceptable in the sight of Divinity." The time for cheating and printing fraudulent $'s has to end.
President Trump, Are we up to the task of fixing our currency reserve status, and our economy?
Can we solidify our efforts to support the Constitution, and in particular Amendment X thereof? Without the ratification of all the amendments, we would not have had a constitution at all. None of them can be allowed to fall or our constitution itself will fall and with it the great US of A. We the People must protect ourselves and our freedoms from an enemy within. It’s time to circle the wagons, to rally around the Flag and cherish our great Constitutional freedoms. To avoid an armed rebellion, it is time to use the checks and balances provided by the constitution. The Elitists must not be allowed to rule and dictate. Liberty means Individual Freedom of choice. The unborn also deserve that same Freedom of Choice... to live in the USA. Liberty and Justice for all! Means just that... for all. We the People must rule in accordance with the plan of our founding Fathers.
“You the People, ruled by We the Elite.” or "We the People Rule, Not We The Elite". The Deep State SWAMP in America has its own agenda. Not just in the Justice Department and the FBI, but throughout the federal government. Dismantling this Deep State Swamp, in the name of our Republic must be a top priority. So please go right ahead. We voted you in as president to do just that. To Make America Great Again.