Wednesday, December 23, 2020

To of Cincinnati, OH 45202


Kind Sirs,

Why do you feed us as vermin to Big Pharma’s medicines?

Your diet Tonic Water contains Acesulfame Potassium, an artificial sugar which adversely effects the brain.

Likewise your 64oz container of Del Monte Red Grapefruit while in front proclaiming ‘No Sugar Added’, in very small almost unreadable print on the side contains not only Acesulfame Potassium, but in addition another even worse, Sucralose AKA Splenda. Why? 

Neither event is in any way a splendid performance for your faithful customers.  There is no need to add any form of sugar to any of your products.

Why must I buy French made Bonne Maman Blackberry Preserves jam in order to avoid your jams containing ‘High Fructose Corn Syrup’? Why? 

Can’t you begin to think in terms of the good health of you customers, instead of feeding us as experimental vermin to Big Pharma?

John J Kiernan, 3550 W Dimond Blvd.  Anchorage AK  99502.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Should the NRA Defend or Attack?

Which is the better strategy

Should the NRA Defend or Attack?

A question from John J Kiernan NRA Member 11652967 

Well, let us look back a little at history. No need to go back further than  National Socialist Herr Adolph Hitler. Born in Austria, which was originally a part of  the great  Austro-Hungarian empire, which included Germany before the 1914-18 world war and having served his empire as a common soldier in that war he moved to Germany and there joined the National Socialist party, aka NAZI party.                                                                               

He was indeed Democratically elected Prime Minister of Germany. When Germany's President died in office, and was not replaced, 

Hitler took over as a leader to the country. Thus, we have the term Mein Fuhrer, My Leader. Allegiance to the leader became obligatory by Mandate.  Isn’t it amazing how we are now all controlled by mandates here in this USA, in this land of the supposedly Free? Wear your Mask and stay six feet apart, damn it, its Mandated. National Socialism is raising its ugly head here in this USA and trying a Hitler type takeover of our people, by using Covid 19 as their scare tactic to demand compliance with their unauthorized illegal mandates. While the CDC has not said quite yet, 'thou shalt not love thy neighbor', they are indeed encouraging all of us to ostracize our neighbors.

Hitler, when he wanted to conquer something, used a very excellent strategy, a form of attack called Blitzkrieg.   He was so successful, he subdued all of Europe, with this rapid form of attack.  But listening to the advice of Marshall Goering, he allowed himself to be dissuaded from attacking the UK.  Therein lay his error.   Before attacking Russia, he could have invaded Ireland, the Isle of Man, Iceland and with the UK totally surrounded, could have slaughtered England. He could have turned those islands into fortified strongholds. 

Instead he did not consolidate his triumph in Europe but began to fight on another front, Russia. 

Leaving an unprotected rear, He gave America power to enter the war with the UK as their safe base of operations. His  major mistake was not consolidating his base.    

Wickedness as we know, never promotes rational thought.    QED. (Quad Erat Demonstrandum).

Slaughtering God's own chosen people the Jews, while effectively punishing them for their betrayal of his son into the hands of the ancient Roman empire, effectively drove many Jews out of Germany to Israel  The Latter Day gathering of the Jews, foretold in scripture, began in earnest. Heavenly Father though allowing the punishment of his own people was and still is gathering a remnant of  His people home.

Back again to Hitler. Without having secured his rear, he was now fighting on two fronts.  When he could not concentrate all his forces in one direction Hitler lost the war, even though he had the very best trained and equipped army on earth, at that time.                                                                      

Likewise, now I find the NRA similarly employing its forces in defensive court actions across the whole nation and submitting Pleading Petitions to congress. 

Cease all such stupid activity. Instead adopt a solid consolidated Blitzkrieg attack upon our 2ndAmendment foes. Only by attacking our foes can we obtain victory. Consolidate our efforts. SCOTUS has already confirmed our individual  2nd Amendment right to own and bear arms. No carry permits are necessary in any state. The law is actually on our side.  Prosecute, and upon conviction, inflict the removal of all citizen benefits, from the following; Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, all  Representatives and Senators who by breaking their oath of office, to uphold and maintain the constitution, are attempting to infringe our rights.  Confiscate all of their property and financial assets, plus  impose  slavery for life  under Amendment 13. 

There can be no Constitutional federal law protecting elected members of Government from committing a felony, by breaking their oath of office. Remember DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) was ruled unconstitutional. Yet it was federal law for several years.

Please wake up. Let us see all future legal activity become involved in the Prosecution of those who; breaking their oath of office, dare to infringe upon our Bill of Rights. Then you will win continued financial support and increased membership. 

Please Read Amendment 13 carefully, then use it. While congress has the power to enforce this article, by appropriate legislation, since it is a constitutional amendment, so too does POTUS &  SCOTUS have that right. It's time to; Put the fear of God in the minds of our foes. Do it!

Show them the effectiveness of our Constitutional Law. Do it. Then I will gladly become a Golden Eagle. Until then, fully knowing that the law is already adjudicated, I would be like the NRA leadership, just a damned Hypocrite. 

John J Kiernan  11652967

Friday, October 9, 2020



Alaska Native Corporation, 

i.e. ANCSA Regional Ass. 

Portends by their independent economic study that Ballot Measure 1 would effectively impact our AK economy by;

Eliminating 6300 Alaskan Jobs

Reduce Alaskan Oilfield Investment by $6 Billion by 2029

Worsen Alaska’s Already Anti-Competitive Tax System.

That’s why they are urging Alaskans to vote NO on 1.

Oh Yeah!

They would have us totally ignore;

That to get our fair share of ‘our oil resource’, Our Choice is Clear.

Vote YES on 1

or continue to give away ‘our oil’ to major oil companies

continue to cut AK essential services, and our PFD’s, and

tax ourselves to recover the revenue we are giving away under SB 21.

Vote Yes on 1.  Or re-enact ACES J Hammond and S Palin agree.

Sean Parnell, TRAITOR, he disagreed and introduced SB 21.

Vote YES on 1.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Is Your Natural Health Response Based Upon Fear?

Fear creates Panic. 

A Pandemic is a Medical Pandemonium, Senselessly Based upon Panic.      

Cleverly created with verbal acuity to hypnotize the public.          To disrupt God’s plan of Freedom for man.  

Joe Goebbels repeated often, to make one believe, it is true. ‘Keep repeating whatever you want the public to believe!’  Eventually, even you yourself will believe it.                      

For what purpose? To gain overall control of the public.                To achieve the total disruption of our society                                   Satan and his liberal cohorts, (like Joe Goebbels) uses fear.         To create many medical, economic and societal problems.

The brilliant Democrat political strategist Rahm Emanuel once said,                                “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.”                                                                        That is exactly what has been unleashed on America,                                                                using a pandemic to create hysteria and fear to gain political control.  

Politicians can use the China created virus as a fear-based excuse to crush American exceptionalism by creating economic chaos, forcing obedience from the population,      issue illegal health emergency mandates, and then provide government bail-outs                 to create a socialist society.  Wear your damned mask. It's a dictatorial mandate from Elite Socialist Medical experts who don't care about forcing you to breath regurgitated foul air into you lungs nor the damage that will physically cause you. 

Though God has decreed that we shall all surely die.                    Yet, He has told us, to go forth increase and multiply.               Thus, we do not concentrate our thoughts upon death.            While Here, we obey Him, and think only of living life lovingly.

Not the ideal protocol for Big Pharma, who purposely intend to scare us,    to obtain the opportunity to develop  an essential drug or vaccine, and thus keep us as dependent, dying patients for a lifetime,  while they drain our financial resources, through instilled fear.

Well one must keep the Matrix happy. What Matrix?         The Matrix includes Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Technology, Education, Entertainment, mainstream Medicine, Many Religions, Politicians, the Media, Telecommunications, and the CDC.

The Matrix puts High Tech and Mainstream Medicine on a pedestal.  But this most undeserved praise is major (Censored) B.S.    Working with WHO, NIH, CDC, and the FDA,                                they rob the people of Natural Herbal remedies.  Why?

Vaccines are a perfect example of their theft,                                 which are promoted despite no long-term safety studies.            Yet they’ve obtained legal exemption from public Liability.          Their exemption is an outrageous travesty of justice.      

We are mandated and oft told we must comply.                  NONE of the hazardous side effects are even mentioned.  Why are we simply told that these vaccines are safe?                           Why are we not allowed to use safe Natural Herbs, Why? Why? Why?

Since Big Pharma funds the mainstream media,             news contrary to big pharma gets suppressed.                          In this Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, We, get Googled, Twittered and Facebook Bamboozled (i.e. censored!).                                      ‘Public liability’ law should apply to all.                       All should be subject to the law, No Exceptions.                   Freedom cuts both ways. Or not at all.                                     Return Freedom OF CHOICE and OF SPEECH to the people.

Thank God our President became Covid-19 positive.                          At 72 he recovered within one day of taking                    Vitamin D, Zinc and Hydroxytetracloroquin.                                   Oh dear, has he disrupted their dictatorial socialist Takeover?

No need to wear a mask, just keep yourself healthy.                        Build up your immune system by taking Elderberry.                          That was Greek Dr. Hippocrates’s Miracle cure,                            It’s just a cheap anti-viral herb! Readily available non-prescription.

Further Immune System boosters are; Zinc, Vitamin C(500-1000mg), a moderate amount of exercise, intermittent fasting (12-72hrs), Goat’s (milk, cheese or butter) contains a specific bacterium called Lactobacillus Rhamnosus.  This and other beneficial bacteria can be obtained by eating foods containing live organisms, like fermented food, Kefir, Yogurt, with live active cultures, pickled vegetables, tempeh, kombucha tea, kimchi, miso, and sauerkraut or by taking a probiotic supplement.

Rishi, Shiitake, and Maitake mushrooms have a long history of being used to boost the immune system. 

Supplement your immune system with DHEA tablets.  Get plenty of sunshine and to ensure you get enough, supplement with vitamin D. Lastly take Melatonin 10mg for a good night’s sleep. If you want to go overboard take Quercetin with Bromelain.

Further, read your shopping labels, discard products which contain Monosodium Glutamate, Aspartame, Sucralose also known as Splenda, Diacetyl found in buttery popcorn, and Aluminum. The foregoing, are products which adversely affect your brain.

Did Jesus Christ wear a mask among the sick?  Did he keep himself six feet away from them?  Neither did his Apostles. Protect yourself, yes.  No Masks or distancing are necessary. You can walk with faith and vigor among unhealthy people. Let not the servants of Satan implant fear in your minds and thus gain control of your lives.

Even that dreaded Cancer can be cured by an intravenous injection of vitamin C 1000mg plus K2 (Dr. Linus Pauling Nobel Prize winner and other doctors.) However Big Pharma prefers to use Chemo-therapy and Radiation. It is just simply (for them) a Big Money Making matter. They also choose to ignore the 'Sour Honey' cancer cure. Sour honey is a natural product, so the poor blighters can't patent it.

However, cheating Elite Democrat Doctors will all surely die, not a one can save himself. God, no not His Son, God i.e. He Himself, has decreed it, so shall it be.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How to Help Your Fellow Man

Does your friend have a want, a need or a desire?

If so, they will very likely commit to doing what you suggest.

Just ask your friend; Which would he/she rather have?

100% reward for their own individual effort, or 1% reward from the effort of countless other people?

Wait for an intelligent reply.

When (you yourself, buying wholesale) you understand how extremely wealthy that 1% can make you, why would you want your good friends to continue paying retail?

Would you deny them that 1% opportunity?

Referrals to you will eventually appreciate, your help in growing their business.

So, Go do It.  Help your fellow man/woman.

Cut out your deep intellectual Logic, it is the dept of your conviction that sponsors people.

Thursday, January 30, 2020



Chris W. Cox

NRA Chairman

Please note;

Fighting defensively on many fronts, our efforts are totally dissipated, wasted by a well-financed, organized and clever opposition to our constitution, its amendments, and its Electoral College, which latter, protects us from a domineering dictatorial Democratic majority. We as a Democratic Republic enjoy Freedoms which need protection from a rampant, demon inspired wild cartel who demand tyrannical control.

Why isn’t our own NRA President Cornel Oliver North leading a single attack against our opponents? He of all people should know that attack overwhelms defense.  Has he lost his balls? Let’s concentrate our attack plan through a much enlarged, organized and well-funded NRA. It’s time to go for the Jugular. The Governor of Nevada needs to be accused before SCOTUS of failing to keep his oath of office and be removed from office, and have his citizenship revoked.

Just as soldiers are dishonorably discharged, so too should all citizens who seek to wreck our well-established constitution and its Electoral College, have their citizen benefits revoked. Uncontrolled Democracy can become tyrannical just as it did in Russia. Germany and Italy.  We cannot allow an Autocratic Dictatorship to gain control of our people..

All citizens should pledge allegiance to the flag and to the Democratic Republic for which it stands, One Nation under God, in obedience to His laws and the laws of our Constitution, of which the Electoral College is an integral part.’’.

Rally around our Flag Folks! Support President Donald Trump. Let’s Make America Great Again.

Let’s all wear M.A.G.A. hats with Trump 2020 and the NRA on the back of the hat.  They’ll get the message on the front and you will drive it home as you turn to go.

Protect the 1st, the 2nd and the other 8.

Without our ‘’Bill of Rights’’ there would never have been a Union. Neither would there be a real solid reason to remain the United States of America.

NY and CA are already, almost away. Now Nevada follows their example. Let them go, let them burn. Let them experience hell on earth.

Date 01/30/2020

Born: 09/25/1932

Oh dear!

I’m almost 88, I’m growing too old.

John J. Kiernan

3550 W Dimond Blvd Unit 211

Anchorage AK 99502-1555  Cell; 907-441-2964

Monday, January 20, 2020

Thou Shalt Have, No Other Gods Before Me!

Listen and Obey, the Words of the Lord.

Heed Not, The Words of Lucifer, nor any of his Cohorts.

That Angel of Light, has today many more servants than just those, (one third of the hosts of heaven) who were cast out with him from the kingdom of God.  REV 12:9 “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”  Now read the whole chapter 12.

His Presiding preeminent prominence is now being threatened by a modern David.  Though indeed no shepherd boy, he has, like David, spent his youth on this earth, among the wolves (or modern Devils of finance).   He has learned, from them, their secret ways and techniques of deceit and subterfuge.

He is now God’s TRUMP card against the evil servants of Satan.  Oh so sorry, I meant to say Lucifer.  Yes, he is extremely dangerous to the establishment of Lucifer’s Kingdom, not only here in the USA, but actually upon the whole earth. When Satan’s plan was developing so well, in the USA, here comes this 'Damned Fly' in the ointment, so to speak.  Why are the swat teams so ineffective against him? If there is no God, there is no Satan. Stop talking of them as though they really exist.   Aren’t they Both, just simply a total illusion?

Isn’t it strange that the recorded history of man says otherwise?  Why even Stalin, Hitler and Mau, didn’t succeed in ridding the earth of those dammed Jew records.   God’s chosen children descended from Abraham, who had sex with his wife’s maid servant Hagar and thus produced the whole race of Arabs upon this earth, those Jews are still here in spite of all that Stalin and Hitler did to them.  The work of the Lord is upon the earth for all to clearly see.  They Practiced polygamy from Moses right down until the Romans stamped it out.

The Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold
His cohorts were gleaming in Purple and Gold.
He took ten tribes of Israel right out of that Fold.

Thus they became slaves to Babylon.
Though still scattered they be,
They are not lost unto He,
Who’ll bless them throughout all eternity.

Then the Romans came and did their worst.
They leveled Jerusalem to the dust.
Executed, not only Christ, but all the Apostles.
Took control of Christianity and paganized its doctrines.

Forbade Baptism for the Dead and Forbade Polygamy.
Allowed Monogamy, Required Celibacy.
Allowed Pedophilia. 
And secretly practised Sodomy.

Mary to them was the mother of God.
Though Mar Nestor refused to accept such a creed,
The Greeks and the Russians went their own way
But, the Romans insisted on their lineage from Peter(whom they executed).

Such an abominable religion was just what the world needed.
Yes, led by Lucifer, that Angel of light.
And so we entered the 'Dark Ages'.
If you are not ONE, you are not mine,
Saith the Lord.

Then along came Mohammed restoring polygamy,
Whose Islamic peoples over-ran many now “c”hristian nations.
Causing crusades of anger and retaliation.
Had the Kings of Europe then, trusted each other,

We would not now need to suffer,
the invasion of our Islamic or Muslim brothers.
Their False God Allah, whom we are forbidden to worship,
Threatens the Faith of our Fathers and our own Salvation.

However, right now they want to force us to obey
Their Sharia laws,  which we cannot allow.
Moses is our acknowledged Law Giver.
Upon which our constitution is founded.

So fellow Christians, sit up and take notice.
Lose not your Freedom to God's Fierce Foe.
Put on the whole Armour of God,
The Shield, the Breastplate, and the Helmet.

Read your Scriptures, Say our prayers.
Grip the Sword of Justice.
Be Prepared to use it.
As David did to Goliath.

Friday, January 3, 2020


Go!  Show the Plan.
Go!  Seek and Share, only with people who have A Want
                                                                               A  Need
                                                                         or   A  Desire.

Go!  Look for people, who have ceased making excuses, and are willing to do it.
Don't worry about them being Sharp.
Many others, while being Sharp, have their heads firmly fixed in their asses.
''Capitas Tuam in Ano Est''.  (Your head is in your Ass). The Romans said it well.

So Go! Seek elsewhere,
and Remember: It is not the height of your logic,
it is the Depth of your Conviction,
that Sponsors People.

Remember too, the words of our Great Lord and Master who said:
''Come Follow Me, and I will make you Fishers of Men.''
(Read too John 10:10). He knew well, what he was doing,
Do You? When you yourself do know, and are convinced.

Then the greatest work you can ever do,
is to serve God and your fellow man.
So Go! Find your Life.
Go! Lose yourself in the service of others.
Go! Show them the Plan.
Go! Help your fellow man, to enjoy a more abundant life.