Thursday, January 30, 2020



Chris W. Cox

NRA Chairman

Please note;

Fighting defensively on many fronts, our efforts are totally dissipated, wasted by a well-financed, organized and clever opposition to our constitution, its amendments, and its Electoral College, which latter, protects us from a domineering dictatorial Democratic majority. We as a Democratic Republic enjoy Freedoms which need protection from a rampant, demon inspired wild cartel who demand tyrannical control.

Why isn’t our own NRA President Cornel Oliver North leading a single attack against our opponents? He of all people should know that attack overwhelms defense.  Has he lost his balls? Let’s concentrate our attack plan through a much enlarged, organized and well-funded NRA. It’s time to go for the Jugular. The Governor of Nevada needs to be accused before SCOTUS of failing to keep his oath of office and be removed from office, and have his citizenship revoked.

Just as soldiers are dishonorably discharged, so too should all citizens who seek to wreck our well-established constitution and its Electoral College, have their citizen benefits revoked. Uncontrolled Democracy can become tyrannical just as it did in Russia. Germany and Italy.  We cannot allow an Autocratic Dictatorship to gain control of our people..

All citizens should pledge allegiance to the flag and to the Democratic Republic for which it stands, One Nation under God, in obedience to His laws and the laws of our Constitution, of which the Electoral College is an integral part.’’.

Rally around our Flag Folks! Support President Donald Trump. Let’s Make America Great Again.

Let’s all wear M.A.G.A. hats with Trump 2020 and the NRA on the back of the hat.  They’ll get the message on the front and you will drive it home as you turn to go.

Protect the 1st, the 2nd and the other 8.

Without our ‘’Bill of Rights’’ there would never have been a Union. Neither would there be a real solid reason to remain the United States of America.

NY and CA are already, almost away. Now Nevada follows their example. Let them go, let them burn. Let them experience hell on earth.

Date 01/30/2020

Born: 09/25/1932

Oh dear!

I’m almost 88, I’m growing too old.

John J. Kiernan

3550 W Dimond Blvd Unit 211

Anchorage AK 99502-1555  Cell; 907-441-2964

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