Monday, January 20, 2020

Thou Shalt Have, No Other Gods Before Me!

Listen and Obey, the Words of the Lord.

Heed Not, The Words of Lucifer, nor any of his Cohorts.

That Angel of Light, has today many more servants than just those, (one third of the hosts of heaven) who were cast out with him from the kingdom of God.  REV 12:9 “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”  Now read the whole chapter 12.

His Presiding preeminent prominence is now being threatened by a modern David.  Though indeed no shepherd boy, he has, like David, spent his youth on this earth, among the wolves (or modern Devils of finance).   He has learned, from them, their secret ways and techniques of deceit and subterfuge.

He is now God’s TRUMP card against the evil servants of Satan.  Oh so sorry, I meant to say Lucifer.  Yes, he is extremely dangerous to the establishment of Lucifer’s Kingdom, not only here in the USA, but actually upon the whole earth. When Satan’s plan was developing so well, in the USA, here comes this 'Damned Fly' in the ointment, so to speak.  Why are the swat teams so ineffective against him? If there is no God, there is no Satan. Stop talking of them as though they really exist.   Aren’t they Both, just simply a total illusion?

Isn’t it strange that the recorded history of man says otherwise?  Why even Stalin, Hitler and Mau, didn’t succeed in ridding the earth of those dammed Jew records.   God’s chosen children descended from Abraham, who had sex with his wife’s maid servant Hagar and thus produced the whole race of Arabs upon this earth, those Jews are still here in spite of all that Stalin and Hitler did to them.  The work of the Lord is upon the earth for all to clearly see.  They Practiced polygamy from Moses right down until the Romans stamped it out.

The Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold
His cohorts were gleaming in Purple and Gold.
He took ten tribes of Israel right out of that Fold.

Thus they became slaves to Babylon.
Though still scattered they be,
They are not lost unto He,
Who’ll bless them throughout all eternity.

Then the Romans came and did their worst.
They leveled Jerusalem to the dust.
Executed, not only Christ, but all the Apostles.
Took control of Christianity and paganized its doctrines.

Forbade Baptism for the Dead and Forbade Polygamy.
Allowed Monogamy, Required Celibacy.
Allowed Pedophilia. 
And secretly practised Sodomy.

Mary to them was the mother of God.
Though Mar Nestor refused to accept such a creed,
The Greeks and the Russians went their own way
But, the Romans insisted on their lineage from Peter(whom they executed).

Such an abominable religion was just what the world needed.
Yes, led by Lucifer, that Angel of light.
And so we entered the 'Dark Ages'.
If you are not ONE, you are not mine,
Saith the Lord.

Then along came Mohammed restoring polygamy,
Whose Islamic peoples over-ran many now “c”hristian nations.
Causing crusades of anger and retaliation.
Had the Kings of Europe then, trusted each other,

We would not now need to suffer,
the invasion of our Islamic or Muslim brothers.
Their False God Allah, whom we are forbidden to worship,
Threatens the Faith of our Fathers and our own Salvation.

However, right now they want to force us to obey
Their Sharia laws,  which we cannot allow.
Moses is our acknowledged Law Giver.
Upon which our constitution is founded.

So fellow Christians, sit up and take notice.
Lose not your Freedom to God's Fierce Foe.
Put on the whole Armour of God,
The Shield, the Breastplate, and the Helmet.

Read your Scriptures, Say our prayers.
Grip the Sword of Justice.
Be Prepared to use it.
As David did to Goliath.

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