God gave us our agency. He gave us the Freedom to Choose! However, we would be held accountable for our actions. If found worthy, we were to inherit a joyful Eternal life in God’s own Kingdom.
Lucifer, meaning an angel of light, wanted complete Governing control. He wanted no accountability. We would all be saved and provided for. This could be achieved through world-wide Socialism or Communism. Absolute obedience to his dictatorial Elites would be required by mandating our every action. Lucifer led a third of the host of heaven against God’s plan of ‘’Joy and Freedom for man’’.
’Man is that he might have Joy’’. To know Joy, we must also know sadness from which Satan had proposed to protect us.
God clearly understood that, '’two cannot walk as one unless they are agreed’’, because wickedness never promotes rational thought, no agreement could ever be reached. Thus the conflict began, and though it began in heaven, the resulting war was woefully uncivil. Divestiture, Divorce, Departure, and being driven down to hell, was God’s gift to all who rebelled against Him.
The Archangel Michael assigned charge of the war was successful in leading God’s children against Lucifer and cast him out to the earth, there to roam to and fro without a physical body. Is it any wonder that Lucifer, now aka Satan would want to tempt the angel Michael, called Adam upon the earth? Only by enticing temptation can Satan enter our bodies by taking control of our minds. So, beware of his wicked temptations which are often most pleasurable. Be aware that Satan gives no man any good thing. Absolutely never. Not ever.
Though Michael, now Adam, and Eve fell victim to Satan, Heavenly Father promised them eventual redemption if they obeyed him henceforth, through the promised sacrifice of his beloved son Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ came he was baptized to fulfill all righteousness by John aka John the Baptist. Likewise we are commanded to repent of all evil and be baptized for a Remission of our sins. Then, Christ said '’if you love me, Keep my commandments’’.
Doesn’t it make sense to simply take the great gift of redemption which Christ has made possible for us so that we ourselves do not have to pay the penalty by suffering such agony and eternal torment in hell? Since the debt is already paid, and offered as a gift from God, why not simply accept?
Has Satan blown us so far off course, that we list like ships at sea towards him instead of towards God our Heavenly Father? If so, cry out to God that he may save your soul. Your body and spirit united are your soul. It is your body which feels heat and pain. Remember Satan himself, though cast permanently out of God's presence, will not suffer as much as you, he does not have a physical body. So why follow Satan?
So where goest thou? Who is on the Lord’s side, Who? If you, then follow Him.
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