Sure and begorrah, in the event that you find yourself without words, you must simply go to that little isle of the leprechaun. It's called Eire.
There in Blarney Castle, in the county of Cork, at the south end of that little isle, some four floors high, you will need to contort yourself, some think quite dangerously, to kiss its magic stone. The Castle keepers will ensure you are held quite firmly so no harm befalls you. That done, sure and begorrah, now you can talk endless words of wisdom or tee-total garbage!
No need to carefully choose what you say, a great flow of words just emanate out of you mouth, to the great joy of some or the total annoyance of others.
Though the local police, there known as Garda are not armed, they very efficiently lock away looney babblers or anyone who appears to cause a disturbance of the peace. Justifiably they are called ''An Garda Shiochana', meaning Guardians of the Peace. So just be careful, lest they take you for a drunkard.
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