Monday, July 31, 2017

Thanks to Three Republicans for a Great New Deal Opportunity!

“As I said from the beginning, let ObamaCare implode,” Donald Trump added, “then deal. Watch!” and see!
Three Republicans Senators listened and wisely voted against the bill, Sens. John McCain (Ariz.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), and Susan Collins (Maine).

Thank you Senators. So let it implode!

McCain released a statement explaining his “no” vote: “From the beginning, I have believed that Obamacare should be repealed and replaced with a solution that increases competition, lowers costs, and improves care for the American people,” the statement said.
“The so-called ‘skinny repeal’ amendment the Senate voted on today would not accomplish those goals,” McCain’s statement continued. “While the amendment would have repealed some of Obamacare’s most burdensome regulations, it offered no replacement to actually reform our health care system and deliver affordable, quality health care to our citizens.”
Now then a Real “deal” is available. Watch and see!
Things can now be done in accordance with our Constitution (instead of ignoring it). Amendment 9 and 10 can become effective. 10...The powers not delegated, nor prohibited by the constitution to the States are reserved respectively to the States and to the people. 9... The listing in the constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
"It is hereby proposed that in replacement of Obamacare: Each state may proceed to implement its own State Health Care Scheme for the benefit of its residents."
"It is further proposed that no Insurance company be granted a Federal License or Permit to conduct Health Insurance business which refuses to operate in all states of the Union"

Now over to you Governors, Senators and State Representatives for further action on behalf of your own State residents.

Now let’s thank those three Republican senators sincerely.  They have given us the opportunity to be fully obedient to the original intent of our constitution. The original Obamacare or ACA plan was declared Constitutional because as Justice Roberts said it is a tax. Authority otherwise, was not granted from the constitution to the Federal Government to introduce a Federal health Care law. But as a tax it qualified under that stupid amendment 16 , which itself needs to be repealed. But that's a whole other matter, to counter DDT, Double Dipping Taxation and if you add inflation, Triple Dipping Taxation.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

We Are; The United States of America.

                                                      In God We Trust!
I am the Lord, Thy God, and Me alone shalt thou serve!  Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
"I and my Father are one" John 10:30   How can that be? Isn't there three of you?  Yes there are three of us, but we are unified in our purpose. We are a one Godhead authority, over all the worlds that we have created. "Behold; I say unto you, be one; and If you are not one ye are not mine" saith the Lord.
 D &; C: 38:27.  "That they may all be one; as thou, Father, art in me and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: John:17,  21

The British well understood; that in unity there is strength. So their common military mantra was: "Divide and conquer" to make a group of people disagree and fight with one another, so that they would not join together and be united in combined strength against the UK.

Using a "divide and conquer" strategy against our own people in the work-place is totally destructive of our  mantra: "Make America Great Again."  Poor people may be penniless.  They may need our help and further education to advance not only themselves and their families but our very own state or country. We are all in this together. In the words of a former president JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country," your fellow man.

At election time, we may all have and publicly express our differences, however we have all agreed to ratify our constitution and live in accordance  with it, and in peace under it.  It is our founding document that guarantees us our freedom, our peace, our safety and our well being.

"I have come, that you might  have life and have it more abundantly" John 10:10  So go enjoy the fats of the earth, with which I have blessed you. However, do acknowledge and thank your  benefactor.

Friday, June 16, 2017

BACK to ACES! Hands OFF our PFD!

Without a vision My People Perish.
It is time for Our Legislators and Our New Gov. 
To Accept and Restore Jay Hammond’s
wise vision for Alaska.

Governor Walter Hickle said; 'We are an ownership state',  and therefore as owners, we are entitled via our state constitution to dividends from our resource wealth
Dividends are not Welfare handouts, we own this state 
and all of its resources wealth.

Since Wickedness never promotes Happiness,
nor indeed Any Form of Rational Thought.

It is not at all surprising therefore, that ex-Governor Sean Parnell and ex-Governor Bill Walker gave the oil companies most of our precious revenue, ACES, and thus allowed them to abscond with our oil wealth.  Wealth which Alaskans need to fund our state budget. 

Governor Jay Hammond was clear what portion of our oil resources represented our fair share as owners. To quote him directly from the chapter ''A Broken Bargain'' in his book ''Diapering the Devil,''  ''When I was in office, the State, the Oil Companies, and the Federal Government AGREED to split the oil wealth pie roughly one third,  one third, and one third. 

Governor Sarah Palin, gave Alaska our Clear and Equitable 1/3 Share of oil revenue, ACES.  Why did Governor Sean Parnell push for the abolition of ACES?  He had it replaced by SB 21 which gave away Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share of our oil wealth. Now under SB 21 the State is bankrupt, and desperately seeking new revenue.   We hear talk today of individual personal income taxes, yes, DDT no less.(NO Double Dipping taxation)!

With ACES and oil at less than $50 per barrel Governor Sarah Palin left over $20 Billion in the state's CBR Fund's a/c. Suddenly $8 Billion disappeared. Why and where did it go? And Now, with oil at almost $70 per  barrel the state is bankrupt under this new SB 21 tax giveaway to the oil companies.

Jay Hammond was right, we need our clear and equitable ONE THIRD share of our oil revenue.  Governor Sarah Palin gave it to us.  Traitor, Sean Parnell gave it to Big Oil.  Stop giving away our 1/3 share of the oil wealth to the big oil companies. We need our 1/3 share back.

Hands off our Permanent Fund.

On top of that, they have been paying out oil credits to cover non production expenses. Our Governors and legislature, whom we elected, have been betraying us. 

Governor Sarah Palin gave us ACES, Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share of our oil income.  The implementation of SB 21 has bankrupted the state. Though he promised, Sean Parnell made no attempt to replace SB 21. What a traitor he became, and no one has yet called him on it.  It would be interesting to check his bank account deposits, probably in Switzerland?
Praise to the man Gov. J Hammond, who foresaw our future needs and laid up just 25% of Alaska’s oil revenue into  a Permanent Fund (yes please note it name) which has now grown to over $65 Billion and is kicking out over $6.5 Billion into its earnings reserve account.                                        
The ​Earnings Reserve account of the Permanent Fund pays out our Dividends, Yes, Our Permanent Fund pays them. 
The AK State Budget does NOT pay them.

The State has it's own separate Constitutional Budget Reserve Fund from which it has spent $Billions and not repaid one copper cent. 

We are due the balance wrongfully retained in 2016, 2017 and 2018  by Gov. Walker and await payment, in accordance with law already enacted. Now also 2019.  Obey the Law.

Laws already legally enacted are not subject to veto after enactment. Else that veto power would create a virtually uncontrolled dictator. 

We have not enacted any law authorizing the implementation of a State Individual Income tax (DDT) and never will in a State so rabidly rich with resource wealth.  When you have  Taxed those who take the profit that our resources provide that source of revenue has been fully taxed.   Our wages and salaries are company expenses and as such are tax exempt  company expenses and should so remain.  

So No DDT (Double Dipping Taxation).

 Which Attorney General, our own  AK AG or the Federal AG, should prosecute and hold Walker accountable for breaking state and Federal  laws? A Direct and Capitation tax, as imposed by Governor Walker, is also forbidden by article 1 section 9 of the USA constitution.

What type of Oligarch did he think he was?
A Democratically Elected Dictator?  
50% of the earnings reserve account has normally been re-invested in the fund to counteract Inflation.  This 50%, now over $3.25 Billion, is more than enough to balance our State budget, without cutbacks.  

Our dividends, normally paid out by the other 50% of the Earnings Reserve account, are not paid out of, and do not effect our the State budget at all. 

So why did Governor Walker try to interfere with a system which is and was operating perfectly, 100% as planned? Did he and his cronies want access via a POMV to our complete Permanent Fund, so they could continue their addictive spending habit, or so they could allow their cronies in the Oil industry to avoid paying their agreed upon 1/3 share?   

Our Permanent fund operates totally independent of the State Budget and needs to be enshrined in the AK constitution, totally beyond greedy government interference. 

We are I hope, all of us, a law abiding people? That needs to include the Governor and the Judiciary, the House Membership and the Senate.  If the law makers become law breakers, the result is total anarchy.  Please remember what happened during the French revolution. Chop! Chop! Heads filled many baskets, and were displayed on iron railings all over town.

It is "We the People" who elect them and give them authority to rule, upon our behalf.
As we are required to obey,  
they too are required to obey our laws, 
as already enacted.

Any Governor can borrow from the 50% of the Fund's Earnings Related account, which is normally re-invested, or as much of it as
he needs simply by issuing 10% AK Tax Exempt, 10 year State Bonds. Until he decides to redeem them, he would just need to pay the 10 % interest on the bonds 

If any Governor, conspires to allow the oil Magnates to abscond with our precious resource wealth virtually tax free, the budget spending should indeed be severely restricted.

Failing payment of the 10% interest, he should no longer be allowed to borrow from the fund, which is simply normal banking procedure, and that would earn AK state, a very poor bond rating. Which  in any event they duly deserve.  They have made no attempt to replace their CBR, Constitutional Budget Fund, borrowing.  Not even a copper cent has been repaid, nor interest paid upon the borrowing from that fund. They would likewise so treat the monies of our fund. We cannot allow it.  

Instead of giving away our 1/3 share of our oil wealth  ACES,  rescind  SB 21 effective from the date of its enactment, automatically re-enacting ACES,  again obtain Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share of our resource wealth, whether Oil, Gold, Silver, Coal, Fish, Tourism or any other resource.    Assuredly we would not then have a problem with our budget, nor would there be any need to ever introduce a state income tax. Collect the back taxes due from that enactment date also.

No doubt the oil barons will cringe and complain,  oh tough!  With oil now, almost  $70 a barrel again, they need to pay Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share. (ACES!)  

Vote NO to granting POMV access to our fund monies.  That would give access to the very Fund itself.  Absolutely not!  OUR FUND IS PERMENANT. Their spending has to stop. They have spent over $20 Billion left by Sarah Palin in their CBR account. Then, they gave away ACES, the state's real source of revenue.  They are far too generous with our oil wealth to their buddies/cronies in the oil industry. Remember the original agreement; 1/3 each, Feds, AK, big Oil.

Vote NO to the POMV ploy!
Restore Alaska's Clear Equitable 1/3 Share.
Restore A.C.E.S.

Hands off our Fund!

John J Kiernan  Text: 907-441-2964​
3550 W Dimond Blvd. Unit 211,  Anchorage AK 99502-1555

Monday, May 1, 2017

Alaska needs to set its Financial House In Order.

Alaska needs to set its Financial House In Order.

1.    In doing so, we first need to recognize that Alaska has ratified the USA Constitution.

2.    When a company Makes, Mines, or Extracts products from natural resources and then sells those products, either raw, refined, developed and or manufactured, such a company is allowed to claim all it expenses incurred in the production of those goods.  They are thereafter taxed upon their profits net of deductible expenses. Those lawful deductible expenses include the wages and salaries of all the company employees; from the President or Chairman and Executive CEO’s down to the lowly cleaners.

3.    Since taxation on business profits will have been paid by the company itself, it is double dipping, i.e. Double Taxation to also tax employees on money obtained from the same source.  Income is being taxed at both the corporate level and personal level. That is double dipping taxation. Double taxation is a taxation principle referring to income taxes paid twice on the same source of earned income. It can occur when income is taxed at both the corporate level and personal levels. 
Before the 1914 war, there were no personal income taxes, SCOTUS had adjudged them to be unconstitutional approx. 1860. Before 1913 there was no Federal Reserve Bank to mess with our money and destroy its value through inflation. Our Greenback dollar is now only worth $1/18 greenbacks = 0.05 cents. Congress had total control of it.

Alaska Must Resolve the Budget Gap!
Must We Raid The PFD FUND?  No!
Rally around Our Fund Folks!  
Big Wolves are Howling.  
Our AK Permanent Fund is not part of the Constitutional Budget Reserve Fund.   It never was. It is a separate fund from which no one has the legal authority to take money without a referendum vote from “We the People”.

It matters not that Ex-governor Sarah Palin filled our tax coffers to overflowing, when oil was less than $50 per barrel.  Now with oil well over $50,  our elected Representatives who apparently, really represent the oil companies have all turned around and given away Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share of our oil income to those oil giants as urged to do so by our traitor Oil Governor Sean Parnell, who did not recuse himself as an ex oil company employee.  We were promised then, that if SB 21 did not work out for us, we could change it. Instead of rescinding SB 21 and Re-enacting ACES, our leaders are suggesting a raid upon our PFD Fund, via a POMV arrangement. It matters not at all what we the people said, in 1989 with an 84% 'No vote'.  They have not listened to the people. Soo they need to be replaced. They gave away our oil tax revenue to their buddies in the Dirty Bastards club. Now they want to make the Alaska public pay.  Why should the oil companies continue to fund Alaska with ACES when they can make the people feel guilty of not supporting our state Government with personal income taxes? They would then get to share and enjoy  more of our wealth  with their buddies. They are our resources. ACES were determined to be our clear and equitable share. ACES was, is and will always be our clear and equitable share.  Rescind SB 21.  The DBC club members may grumble. Tough!

Joseph Goebbels set the principle that: "If You Tell a Lie Big Enough and Keep Repeating It, People Will Eventually Come to Believe It." And Yes, "truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

So quit lying to the Public. Yes, Alaska is overflowing in wealth.   But it is the profit made from this wealth that needs to be taxed.  No Personal Income Tax can ever be justified in a state which abounds in so much wealth. None!  Whether it be the lowly floor cleaner or the Chairman of the company or its President, neither should have their income subject to Double Dipping Taxation.  Personal income tax is Double Dipping Taxation.  Companies pay its employees and deduct their wages and salaries as business expenses. Thereafter they pay tax on their profits.  The tax is therefore paid.  A further tax on the same source of income is Double Dipping Taxation. DDT is not good for our economy. Businesses are best equipped with accountants to deal with the IRS, not so the private individual.  Tax Business enterprises and leave the public alone.

Yes, Alaska abounds in wealth. Our permanent Fund does too.  Is it any wonder the Governor and the oil companies want to use our fund monies.  The Oil companies are pointing them in our direction.  They don’t want to pay their clear and equitable share of our taxes.  That is why they pushed for the SB 21 tax act. Now they want our share too.

Well, now here’s the rub. Personally, I wouldn’t lend the State a copper cent from the permanent fund.  The State is not credit worthy.  It has given away most all its income to the oil magnates.  Too bad, I was going to suggest the Fund purchase 3.5 billion worth of AK 10% tax-exempt State bonds from the 50% of the Earnings Related account which is normally re-invested to counteract inflation. But the State couldn’t pony up the interest due each year. It has given away Alaska’s oil revenue. And they may object to paying 10%. Good luck. Then let them go issue their bonds for sale on the open market. And see what response they get being so un-creditworthy.

Rescind SB21 and Re-Enact ACES oil taxes. Stop giving away our oil tax revenues.   

Our AK Permanent Fund is not part of the Constitutional Budget Reserve Fund. You have your Fund, We the People, Have Ours!  Obey the 1980 Statute. Pay Us our proper dividends. Likewise obey Article 1 Section 9 of the USA Constitution which reads:  “No capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid,”.  Governor Walker has inflicted a direct Capitation Tax on every Alaskan.  Kindly obey all laws as enacted in our State and in our USA constitution. Permanent Fund monies belong to “We the People” of Alaska. Gov. we intend to keep it that way.
John J Kiernan 907-441-2964
3550 W Dimond Blvd. No. 211  Anchorage AK  99502

Thursday, April 27, 2017

S.O.S. We are Drowning in Dollars! Walker cannot Swim. Help!

Ravenous wolves are circling our Stash of Cash. 
En garde mes Amis, Protect our P.F.D. 
“Quite a trick to blow through Alaska’s savings, then propose a dividend cap.” Clem Tillion, ADN Jan. 25th 2016 You Agree? They have spent over twice the value of our fund and now want to spend even more. They do not know when, or how to stop spending. Starting with OUR Dividends they want access to our Permanent Fund itself. What?
“Alaskans beware: Government will never defund itself.” Jim Crawford ADN Feb. 6th 2016. He goes on to write; “Don’t fix the public budget by breaking the backs of Alaska families. A bloated bureaucracy won’t sustain Alaska’s economy. A stable and private sector will.”
Gov. Bill Walker himself says that it is time for us all to pull together to raid the People’s fund. Ref: ADN Friday, Jan. 21st 2016. Yes, Bob Kaufman, you and all the others, are all Thieves, Robbers and Rapists. Having, down the years, overspent our oil income $Billions, would you now rob the Peoples Permanent Fund too? It is time to become aware that our minds are being pre-conditioned, by one commentator after another. We are being brainwashed, Herr Gobbles style, by lying propaganda published regularly via the ADN and other local media into accepting the idea that we must allow our state access to our Pot of Gold, Our Permanent Fund. En garde mes Amis, Protect Your P.F.D. from the ravenous wolves who greedily circle our Stash of Cash. Frau McGuire is even better than Herr Gobbles. See ADN Sunday March 6, 2016 “There’s a way to keep PFDs, balance our budget, limit government.” Is that so? Well, I may be Irish, but my eyes are not green.
The Dirty Bastards club is very strong here in Alaska. First they had to rid us of Alaska’s Leading Lady, our ex-Governor Sarah Palin. Then that traitor in our midst, Sean Parnell, helped get rid of ACES and gave the $Billions we were getting as our clear and equitable share of oil taxes, to the oil companies. We need her back to lead us forward. Come back Sarah Palin to Alaska, your home. Come fill our coffers again, with $Billions as you formerly did, when you gave us ACES, before you were driven out of here, by the Dirty Bastards, who hate your guts. They hate our guts too and will gladly shear us naked. We need you again to subvert those treacherous Bastards. They will ignore the law, avoid putting the matter to the people and raid our fund. They will not contain their spending within the limits already allowed by the fund.  They now want a percentage of the very fund itself, not just the earnings reserve account.
Section 1. Statement of Policy. It is the policy of the State to encourage the settlement of its land and the development of its resources by making them available for maximum use consistent with the public interest.
Section 2. General Authority. The legislature shall provide for the utilization, development, and conservation of all natural resources belonging to the State, including land and waters, for the maximum benefit of its people.
All monies produced from our Natural Resources, belongs to the State of Alaska. Therefore the legislature shall provide for the utilization, development, and conservation of all natural resources belonging to the State, including land and waters, for the maximum benefit of its people.
The Permanent Fund does not belong to our State Government. It belongs to the People of Alaska State. All this propaganda babble is just that. Babble. We The People, can of course, lend money from the Fund to the State against receipt of Non-Redeemable, Tax Free State Bonds @ let’s say 10%. These bonds could be issued to the Permanent Fund Corporation who could hold them on behalf of a citizen or they could distribute them to each citizen, who can then sell them on the bond market if desired. Once sold however, they would become taxable.
Borrowing fund monies can and must be done at commercial rates beneficial to the Fund.
Herr Kaufman is correct, in that small cuts in the budget are not going to make any difference to our state expenditures. So then, Privatize Education. Wow. Have you got the guts to face the music? Privatize the city police forces. Privatize the fire brigades. Privatize our jail system. It is way past time to get rid of SB21 and bring back our ACES form of taxation on oil. It is time to get rid of all Oil Tax Credits. The privatization of Govt. services will eliminate the need for taxes.
No pressure should ever be brought to bear by any government officials upon the Permanent Fund Trustees to buy or sell any investments. The Trustees need to be able to act totally independent of government interference to make good financial decisions.
It’s no secret that most of the politicians in Juneau look longingly at the Alaska Permanent Fund to solve the current budget crisis. The reality is that politicians whose election campaigns are paid for by the wealthy few don’t represent the folks for whom the PFD is such an important, even critical part of a family budget. Thank you Governor Hammond. Our Governor now, needs to obey our Alaska Constitution and the people of Alaska who have already voted by an almost 90% vote on this PFD matter.
That’s one reason Gov. Jay Hammond wanted a dividend. Defending that dividend means defending the fund. Rally Rround and Roar at the Robbers who would Raid our Stash of Cash.

Now the introduction of a sales tax at just 3%, while maintaining all other taxes as they are, is a No Deal. Ist nicht gut, mein Herr, nein, nein, nein. No new taxes to rape and rob the people. The Fund can lend the State money against 10% tax free bonds. Most of us have to pay much more than 10% ON OUR CREDIT CARDS. If the State wishes to spend money it does not have, then it too like unto us, should have to pay for the privilege. Yes Governor, let’s all pull together, but let’s not destroy the People’s Fund. We the people will gladly lend you money to keep you financially viable against the security of AK State Bonds @ 10% interest, non redeemable. All you have to do is make a profit by charging for your services and pay the interest due on the bonded loan, Or Rescind SB21 and Re-enact our ACES Tax act.
John J Kiernan Cell# 907-441-2964