Sunday, July 15, 2018

Alaska's Future is Bright.

Alaska’s Future Is As Bright as Your Faith.

If God, could create this earth, 
simply using the principle of "Mind over Matter".
Don't you think, that we his children,  can likewise learn?

Using the principle of "Mind over Matter" are we not capable of considering that  most problems are just imaginary or even  hallucinogenic. Without succumbing to outright panic, can we  not, just step back and perhaps even step outside the box and begin to think of possible solutions?

"Where there is no Vision, the people Perish,                      but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Prov 29:18.
Did we or did we not; ''Keep that 1980 Law''?
Regretfully, we did not.
             However, Have Faith and Face the Future with;                  Permanent Fund Assurance!
Thanks to Jay Hammond for his dream and clear vision.
He has shown us the way.

Nathaniel Herz,  in the ADN page A13 Friday

March 2nd 2018, writes: "This years proposed state spending is $4.6 billion, with just 2.1 billion in revenue to pay for it.    The deficit has prodded lawmakers to look toward the $65 Billion Permanent fund as a possible fix."   Why has the deficit has not yet prodded the lawmakers to rescind SB 21 and automatically re-enact ACES.  Why not? Are they all members of the DBC? They are only $2.5 billion short, less than the fund's re-investment amount required to counteract inflation, yet they attempt to tax us via our dividends.  Worse, they are trying to gain access to the complete fund via a POMV withdrawal system.

"The funds earnings have historically gone towards dividends, cash sums paid directly to residents each year." (The residential owners of the Fund.)  "Touch it and you risk being zapped at the ballot box." ZAPPED BY 84 % OF THE RESIDENTIAL OWNERS.

Correction: Only 50% of the funds earnings have historically gone towards dividends. The other 50% of the funds earnings have historically been re-invested to counteract inflation. This 50% is available for funding State Government Expenses and is more than sufficient to do so, without touching our 50% dividend section. The budget is only $2.5 Billion short, this 50% Re-investment section has over $3 Billion. 

Any attempt at a POMV adjustment is an attempt

 at getting at the fund itself, and constitutes

a constitutional infarction. We simply cannot abide that pain 

 to our AK Fund's anatomy.

Some Alaska Budget Proposals.
1.      Our Fund's Trustees are doing an excellent job.  So Leave well enough alone. If left alone as per the 1999 referendum 84% vote of We the People, continuing to pay out increasing dividends to the people as already legislated and planned will not wipe out the fund.  
Only Subterfuge, Theft and using Deceitful Legalese jargon can do that.  
So, No interference with the functioning the Fund, None! 
"We the people", the Fund Owners,  have not authorised any governor or Congress to take money from our Fund.
It is Our Fund alone!

2.     Incorporate all city and local police into the State Troopers organization.   No division of areas of responsibility. State Troopers would then have responsibility for the complete state.                                                                                                         

3.    Privatize all existing Government services, and let users pay their maintenance costs.  

4.    To fund Education: From age 6 through a 4 year degree  or a comparable Trade Certificate, Issue AK State Bonds @ 10%. 

5.    Require all Municipalities to Replace all  property taxes with a 10% local  Sales Tax on all NEW items sold.  Repeat, on a New Items sold, only, Sales Tax. Since all items sold will have incurred a local Sales Tax,   There is no reason to pay rent to any Municipality for property purchased and call it a property tax.  Property tax is Double Dipping and should be abolished. Thus all Property purchased should be held FREEHOLD. A rent demand from a Fake Property Owner, i.e. the local Municipality, is a major Tax Faux Pas! Fake news, Fake laws What's next? We rid ourselves of UK taxes and slavery. Why re-enslave ourselves? Transit workers and all travelers will help pay Sales Tax. Exempt all, repeat all consumable solid food items, including medicines water and milk.

6.   Require all legal residents /citizens to contribute one week a year to their chosen local service or State Militia training.       Require all adults to demonstrate proficiency in the use of firearms and other weapons.
7.   We have no need of a Natural Gas pipeline.  This is the day of the Drone. Drone attacks, Hindenburg Drone Aircraft, Delivery, worldwide. All the Profit remains ours.   Unlike Hitlers Germany, we have lots of Helium inexplosive gas. Wake up before others capture those markets or take control of our resources.
8.   When in 1999, then governor Tony Knowles wanted to use the PFD to balance the Alaska budget, he had the decency to go before the electorate and ask for a referendum vote on the matter. The people with an 84% vote, ROARED ''NO''.
          Pay attention to the people!

9.   The Peoples Permanent Fund was set up in 1976 by the electorate, not the Legislature. We, the people of Alaska, all live in an ownership state. We are the legal owners of all our resources. Our constitution specifically charges our Legislature with the development of all Alaska’s resources for the benefit of ‘We the people’. Our resources are not for the benefit of the Governor, nor the Legislature, and are certainly not for the benefit of the Oil Giants. Yet this Governor and ex-Governor Parnell and this senate have served the big OIL Giants. They have literally  given away our clear and equitable share of Oil tax Revenue to those Oil giants. Now, instead of rescinding SB 21 and re-enacting ACES they want to rob the people’s Permanent Fund, so the oil companies can keep more profit. Let them pay Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share of our oil resources.  Oil now again, exceeds $70 per barrel.

10.   If our Legislature wants money from the Fund, then let them borrow it against 10 year  10% AK Tax Exempt State bonds. The fund can thus use the bonds to counter inflation as it has heretofore done, with 50% of the money generated into the Earnings Reserve Account. The state can use oil tax and other resource revenue  to pay the interest upon the Bonds.

11.  The other 50% of the Earnings Reserve account which pays the people our legal and just dividends is thus still available to continue to do so.  

12.    We the People of Alaska do not support any bill that would impose individual, personal, taxes in a State, so rabidly rich in natural resources.  Tax those who take the profits from our resources, not the people who work,  just to eke out a living.

Before applying to the Fund for a loan the Governor shall be required to use his VETO authority on any proposed laws which would cause State expenditure to exceed 50% of  the Permanent Fund's Earnings Reserve Account.  When this is guaranteed, via a State constitutional amendment, then, and only then, may the State begin borrowing from the Peoples Permanent Fund against the security of 10 year AK State Bonds at 10% interest.

The Permanent Fund is not now, and never has been, the

AK Constitutional Budget Reserve Fund. It is the Peoples Clear

and Equitable share of our Resource Wealth.